
MessageType: "TokenReturn"

TokenReturn: string //Contains the JWT token for new clients, only returned once, not stored in server


MessageType: "torrentList"

total: int //Integer containing the total number of torrents in the server

data: array //Array containing individual torrent stats (torrentListArray)

data Struct

data Array Data Type Notes
TorrentHashString string //Passed to client for displaying hash and is used to uniquly identify all torrents
TorrentName string //String of the name of the torrent
DownloadedSize string //how much the client has downloaded total
Size string //total size of the torrent
DownloadSpeed string //the dl speed of the torrent
Status string //Whether the torrent is stopped, running, seeding etc
PercentDone string //Passed to client to show percent done
ActivePeers string //Active peers that uploading/downloading
UploadSpeed string //passed to client to show Uploadspeed
StoragePath string //Where the torrent Data will be stored after download
DateAdded string //Passed to client (and stored in stormdb)
ETA string //ETA for the torrent
TorrentLabel string //user provided label for the torrent
SourceType string //Stores whether the torrent came from a torrent file or a magnet link
KnownSwarm []torrent.Peer //array of peers
UploadRatio string //what the download to upload ratio is for the torrent
TotalUploadedSize string //Humanized version of TotalUploadedBytes to pass to the client
TotalUploadedBytes int64 //includes bytes that happened before reboot (from stormdb)
NumberofFiles int //Number of files in the torrent
NumberofPieces int //Total number of pieces in the torrent (Not currently used)
MaxConnections int //Used to stop the torrent by limiting the max allowed connections


MessageType: "torrentFileList"

TotalFiles: int //Integer containing the total number of files in the torrent

FileList: array //TorrentFile Struct // Array containing individual torrent files

FileList array data type Notes
TorrentHashString string //Used to tie the file to a torrent //TODO not sure if needed
FileName string //The name of the file
FilePath string //The relative filepath to the file
FileSize string //Humanized file size display
FilePercent string //String value of percent of individual file percent done
FilePriority string //Currently "High", "Normal", or "Cancel"


MessageType: "torrentPeerList"

TotalPeers: int //Integer containing the total number of peers in the torrent

PeerList: []Peer //Peer Struct // Array containing individual torrent files

WARN: This will likely change in the future

Peer Struct data type Notes
ID []byte //TODO, plan on converting this to strings before sending
IP []byte
Port int //Port the peer is running on
Source string //Will convert to a meaningful string at some point
SupportsEncryption bool //Does the client support encyrption


MessageType: "rssList"

TotalRSSFeeds: int //Integer containing the total number of RSS Feeds in the database

RSSFeeds: []RSSFeedsNames //RSSFeedsNames Struct // Array containing RSS Feed "Name" and "URL"

RSSFeedsNames data type Notes
RSSName string // Name is pulled from the RSS Name field
RSSFeedURL string


MessageType: "rssTorrentList"

URL: string //URL of the RSS feed

Name: string //Name of the RSS feed, as extracted from the feed

TotalTorrents: int //Integer containing the total number of torrents in the feed

Torrents: []SingleRSSTorrent //SingleRSSTorrent Struct // Array containing RSS Feed "Name" and "URL"

SingleRSSTorrent data type Notes
Link string //Link field should contain the magnet link for the torrent
Title string //Title field also pulled from the RSS Feed
PubDate string //Date the torrent was published to the feed


MessageType: "settingsFile"

Config: FullClientSettings //

FullClientSettings data type Notes
ID int //unique database ID
LoggingLevel int //What logging level we are running at
LoggingOutput string //Whether we are outputting to stdout or to a file
Version int //what version of the software we are running (currently not used)
TFileUploadFolder string //Uploaded Torrent files from the client will be stored in this folder
SeedRatioStop float64 //At what ratio to automatically stop seeding a torrent
DefaultMoveFolder string //Full path w
TorrentWatchFolder string //Full path of the folder that is watched every 5 minutes for torrent files to add
ClientConnectSettings struct //At what ratio to automatically stop seeding a torrent


Embedded Struct in settingsFile

clientConnectSettings data type Notes
HTTPAddr string //HTTP Port with colon
HTTPAddrIP string //HTTP IP address that the client connects at
UseProxy bool //Whether or not we are using a reverse Proxy (like nginx or apache)
WebsocketClientPort int //HTTPAddr with the colon stripped off
BaseURL string //Full URL to the your goTorrent server (used with proxy) ""
ClientUsername string //the username for the client login
ClientPassword string //the SHA256 hash string of the password