Installing from Packages

Installing from Packages


  • imagemagick
  • tesseract-ocr

The listed package names are the debian package names, they may be named different for your distribution. An installer/package is not available for Windows currently.

The preferred method for installation is to install the dependencies first, then the .deb/.rpm.

The .deb/.rpm packages assume you are using systemd as an init system as they install a systemd init file for goEDMS

So an example install would go as follows:

sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr imagemagick
dpkg -i goEDMS-version.deb

The default install path for goEDMS is /opt/goEDMS.

After install goEDMS should automatically start. However, most likely you will want to edit the serverConfig.toml (located in /opt/goEDMS) with your specific settings. So you can stop goEDMS systemctl stop goedms, then edit the serverConfig.toml and then start goEDMS (systemctl start goedms). The initial startup log will appear in syslog, (or view the systemctl log), but after that the log will appear in goedms.log, located in /opt/goEDMS/.